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CREW S/S T SHIRTS 140cm & 150cm / BLACK

CREW S/S T SHIRTS 140cm & 150cm / BLACK

通常価格 ¥5,500 JPY
通常価格 セール価格 ¥5,500 JPY

子供用に、大人と同じ速乾性の素材と仕様で、クルーネックの半袖Tシャツを作りました。 身長が140㎝までならサイズ「140」を、150㎝までなら「150」が良いと思います。


 ○ 素材














We’ve made a crew neck short-sleeve T-shirt for children using the same quick-drying functional material and specifications as those for adults. For individuals up to 140 cm in height, we recommend size “140”, while for those up to 150 cm, size “150” should be suitable.

Inspired by traditional Japanese clothing, the design features a relaxed shoulder area, which significantly reduces stress not only while wearing but also when putting on or taking off the garment. It is comfortable for both sports activities and studying, making it suitable as loungewear.

 We envisioned it for boys and girls around the age of third grade in elementary school who love sports. Many kids appreciate that it has the same design as adult's and find it so comfortable that they want to wear it every day.

The honeycomb structure fabric knitted with polyester microfiber has excellent sweat absorption and quick-drying properties because it creates a lot of small air boxes between the fabric and your skin.

 / Quick drying

 / Very soft to the touch

/ Doesn't wrinkle easily

/ Sweat stains less noticeable.

This fabric doesn't cling to the skin even if it gets wet from sweat or rain, and it dries quickly and stays breathable, so you don't feel stuffy. In addition, it takes away the heat of vaporization when it dries, so it is very cool and comfortable to wear. By drying sweat quickly, the growth of bacteria that cause odors is suppressed.

 / Keep you cool comfortably

/ Suppress the cause of odor


It dries well even in the rainy season and winter when there are few hours of sunlight, so you don't need a dryer. As a result, the electricity bill will be lower, so we think it's an SDGs material that is friendly to both  the earth and the household budget.

Finally, this quick-drying functional material is not a Cool touch material,  so you can wear it comfortably even in winter.

/ Friendly to the earth and the household budget

/ Comfortable even in winter

